To register for the inaugural semester of KSDS’s Jazz University, call 619-388-3000 or email Chuck@jazz88.org.
The inaugural semester of KSDS's Jazz University will kick off on Thurs. evening, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m., on the campus of San Diego City College. Classes will meet at the Black Box Theatre, on City College's campus, the first three Thurs. evenings in November (Nov. 7, 14, and 21), from 7 to 9 p.m. The culmination of the course — the “Final Exam” — will be a dinner party, with authentic New Orleans cuisine, hosted at Nola on 5th in Hillcrest on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024 at 7 p.m.
Classes will be led by KSDS General Manager, leading jazz historian and scholar, and Gerry Mulligan biographer Ken Poston, a longtime professor of jazz history at UCLA and Cal State Long Beach. The focus of this first "semester" of Jazz University will be on the social, cultural, and musical elements that coalesced in New Orleans, giving rise to a new music that'd come to be called jazz.
Here's the skinny:
Dates: Nov. 7, 14, and 21, and Dec. 5 (all Thurs. evenings).
Time: 7 to 9 p.m.
Location: Black Box Theatre, San Diego City College (Nov. sessions); Nola on 5th in Hillcrest (Dec. 5 session)
Note: The Black Box Theatre is located immediately to the east of Saville Theatre, on C Street, in the northwest corner of the Arts and Humanities (AH) building, adjacent to the art gallery. There will be KSDS Jazz 88 signage pointing the way. For reference, here's a campus map. Free parking will be available in Lot 8, near 15th and C Streets.
Cost: $88.30 (includes final class dinner)
To register please email chuck@jazz88.org or call 619-388-3000.