Thelonious Monk

Thelonious Monk

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:Miff Mole

Posted on:October 11, 2009

Since I'm not a professional writer it's easy to dismiss anything I might type about Thelonious Monk. I have no particular insight into his career or his life. Nothing to reveal about "'Round Midnight" or his singular style on piano. Instead of typing, let me try telepathy.

I'm not going to tell you that you're going to love Monk's music. Maybe you've already made up your mind. Do a quick personal inventory. See if there's a little room for something fun and serious, something surprising and traditional. Go ahead, give it a shot.

With a computer it's easy to dig in. Spell it right the first time, "Thelonious Monk." Then listen, especially the solo stuff. Read some of the history or stories about Monk. Watch a documentary. At least watch until you find the scene on a bus in Copenhagen, I think, when Johnny Griffin shows his new pants to Monk. So worth it.

Stay with it.
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OBceann:12/10/2009 10:25:08 AM
Love it. Thanks for the encouragement.